Mongolia’s Events and Festivals Calendar for the year 2024

Mongolia hosts various festivals throughout the year, celebrating its rich cultural heritage and nomadic traditions. The year 2024 will see various events, including the Reindeer Festival, Crane Festival, Silver Reeds Festival, Tea Road Festival, and more. Each of these celebrations provides a window into the vibrant livelihoods of Mongolian nomads, offering an immersive experience in…

Mongolia Offers e-Visa

Mongolia is offering electronic visas through The Immigration Agency of Mongolia issues electronic visas within 72 hours. As of the 25th February 2022, the citizens of the following countries are eligible for e-Visa: The Republic of Austria The Kingdom of Belgium Hungary The Hellenic Republic The Kingdom of Denmark The Kingdom of Spain The…

Recent update on Snow leopard population

Snow leopard is an elusive big cat that inhabits in 12 range states across Asia. It’s believed to be an indicator species for its high altitude ecosystem. A stable population of snow leopard marks that high mountain ecosystems are in good shape. We are thrilled by the news that one of the biggest field surveys in the…

Altai tavan bogd national park

Zendmen Travel Mongolia – Sustainability Report

Sustainability is an open-ended, ongoing process which requires constant updates. Zendmen Travel Mongolia is committed to supporting sustainable tourism development through our operation, and here are some of the steps we have taken in the past year. Purchase/procurement from local sources: Supporting local businesses is one of the fundamentals of sustainable development. Thus, we actively…

Travelife Partner award

Mongolian First Tour Operator Company to receive Travelife Partner Award

It is pleasure for us to announce that Zendmen Travel become the first Mongolian tour operator company to receive Travelife Partner award.
The awards are a recognition of the frontrunner position of these companies in sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility.
The awarded companies comply with more than 150 criteria, related to an operators’ office management, product range, international business partners and customer information. The Travelife standard is covering the ISO 26000 Corporate Social Responsibility themes, including environment, biodiversity, human rights and labour relations; and is formally recognised as being in full compliance with the UN supported Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria.