It is one of the oldest surviving monasteries in Mongolia. The Amarbayasgalant monastery was built as a final resting place of first Bogd Zanabazar, at the foot of Burenkhaan mountain in 1727. Zanabazar was a polymath person, and besides his leadership role in both religion and politics, he was also a highly skilled sculptor, painter, architect, poet, costume designer, scholar, and linguist. Zanabazar left this world in 1723, and Manchu emperor Yongzheng decreed to build a monastery for his memorial.
The temples were built generally in Chinese style with a bit influence of Tibetan and Mongolian style. Today, Its architecture and presence in the wild setting amaze everyone.
Amarbayasgalant is one of the rare monasteries that have partly avoided the destruction of 1937 by the Soviets. Before The Communist Purge, the monastery was one of the biggest Buddhist conference centres, in Mongolia, for 2 centuries.

The Amarbayasgalant monastery is located in the Baruunburen sum of Selenge province in northern Mongolia, and it’s 340 km away from Ulaanbaatar city.