为了公事需要在这个寒冷的冬天出差蒙古国首都乌兰巴托,未去前咨询过蒙古国的饮食,交通和语言都不方便,就找了6年前我妹去蒙古旅游的当地导游(Zendmen Travel Muno)安排,也要求帮忙找一位会中文的翻译(因为我不会英文),到了乌兰巴托六天的行程,办公事,逛市区,参观博物馆,出到郊区旅游马,欣赏冬至初春天的金黄色草原还带点白色的雪,一路上看到很多羊,牛,马在广阔无边的草原,未长叶的树木,踩在未溶化的河流冰块上 行走是另外的感觉,也安排住了一晚蒙古包,参观大草原游牧民族的生活,品赏各别的蒙古佳肴,这些都和我去之前的顾虑很大的差别,即使住在郊区蒙古包,郊区用蒙古餐,清洁,卫生,安全和食物都是相当好!非常棒!我会再到蒙古!

感谢Zendmen Travel 的 Erdenemunkh.R(Muno)!

TC Wong


Hustai National Park

Dear Poh Joo,

A big big big Thank you to you and your team (Muno, Amka & Uyanga) for the fantastic arrangement in making our trip such a wonderful and enjoyable experience throughout. We were pampered by your care, your thought, your foods ….. etc throughout the trip.

As for the group, thanks for the laughter and great company. Looking forward to our next gathering and laughter again in photos viewing.


Yong Meng

Thank you Zendmen Travel, from Yong Meng, Singapore

Dear Zendmen,

A very great thank you to you , Muno and Amka for making this trip a memorable and an enjoyable one.

Heard so much of the Mongolian green grassland with clear blue sky. Never imagine myself being in this magical scenery , visiting a nomadic family, sighting the Takhi wild horse ; and riding on a horse in the vast Mongolian steppe.

Certainly a wonderful experience that you have brought to us through your meticulous planning – checking out the activities to reduce the risk elements ; preparing additional food supplements to go with the meals at the National Park; and finally executing the plan efficiently with Muno and Amka , including making some adjustments to our visit programme.

To fellow trip mates , thank you too for the humourous stories  and a number of interesting moments that you have created to make this trip such a wonderful experience – such as Lucas “birthday” , and the “jumping” photos shots.

Cheers and Best Regards.

Tong Koi.
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Hustai National Park trip

Dear Muno,
Thank you for a great trip. We had wonderful time! Also thanks for the photos! Can’t wait to see them. It was a nice to have a cool guide who spoke such good English. Look us up if/when you come to the USA. Have a great summer? Thanks again! Kevin and Katy

Jul, 2011. Lake Khuvsgul and Naadam Festival

On behalf of all our colleagues and friends on the Mongolia’s trip last few days let us say a big thank you to you and your Mongolian colleagues for the wonderful arrangement made.

We have thoroughly enjoyed the trip which must have been very demanding to you and your colleagues. Your tireless effort and perseverance to look after us have been very much appreciated by the group.

Once again thank you very much. Please send this message to our two Mongolia friends.


Liew Mun Leong

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Changi Airport Group

Special Trip for Mongolia, 2011 Aug

In the year 2007 we had the great opportunity to accompany Amara on trip through Mongolia. We arrived 30th of July 2007 in Ulan Bator and continued to Murun by plane on the same day. Murun is located in the north of Mongolia close to the lake Hovsgol. (more…)

2007. Mongolia’s Vista Trekking

It all started at the Adventure Travel Show at Olympia in London, January 2007. The challenge was to find something different………something off the beaten track………to find us an adventure. (more…)

Sep, 2007. The Grand Tour Mongolia

I would like to highlight the amount of work that PJ had to go to, in re-organising the Gobi Circuit so that the four ladies who joined us two days later were able to complete the trip but in a slightly different route. (more…)

Aug, 2006. The Gobi Circuit

I thought the Gobi trip was a brilliant introduction to Mongolia. The landscape was very varied, the pine forests, mountains and greenery at Terelj were magnificent. There were open grasslands, mountains, valleys, sand dunes and I could go on but suffice to say, the landscape was stunning, breathtaking, rugged, majestic and extremely beautiful.  (more…)

August, 2006. The Gobi Circuit

To me this trip to Zavkhan was a journey of self discovery & self belief… (more…)

Zavkhan Trip
June, 2006. Zavkhan Trip